Traditional Sofrito
Sofrito is a Spanish word referring to a culinary combination of fresh veggies and herbs used as a base for many traditional Spanish dishes.
Sofrito is a Spanish word referring to a culinary combination of fresh veggies and herbs used as a base for many traditional Spanish dishes.
Strawberries are packed with Vitamin C. Fun fact strawberry seeds are on the outside not inside like many other fruits.
Coqui the Chef’s Food Tip
Watermelon makes a great snack during the summer. It helps keep your body hydrated.
Coqui the Chef’s Food Tip:
Oatmeal contains a good amount of fiber. Add these cookies to your daily intake.
Coqui the Chef’s Food Tip:
Sofrito is a Spanish word referring to a culinary combination of fresh veggies and herbs used as a base for many traditional Spanish dishes. This recipe is used as a dip for chips it has less garlic and onions.
Coqui the Chef’s Food Tip:
Avocados are a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamins C, K, folate, and B6. Half an avocado has 160 calories, 15 grams of heart-healthy unsaturated fat, and only 2 grams saturated fat. One globe contains more than one-third daily value of vitamin C, and more than half the day’s requirements of vitamin K.
Coqui the Chef’s Food Tip
You can use any type of Kale to make this salad but Dinosaur Kale also is known as Tuscan Kale and Lacinato Kale is softer and less chewy.
Coqui the Chef’s Food Tip
Red and yellow peppers make a delicious snack alone. Try it!
Coqui the Chef’s Food Tip
Piña colada has been the official beverage of Puerto Rico since 1963. This recipe has a different twist with little more natural and nutritious ingredients.
Coqui the Chef’s Food Tip
Food art can be so much fun, exploring ways to create animal shaped food helps your child’s imagination grow, and it’s a fun family activity.
There are thousands of different types of apples but all have different tastes. Explore and taste many apples until you find the one you love the most.